Professor Joy Chinwe Eyisi, a luminant and radiant star in the academic ecological firmament was born into the family of the Late Sir and Lady G. N. Okpala-Nzekwe (Ozuomee) forty three years ago in Eziora Village, Adazi-ani, Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State. Born and ordained to make an eminent splash in the academic world, Joy sailed through her academic foundation in an unbroken sequence: primary education (1975 – 1981); secondary education 1981 – 1986); Anambra State College of Education, Awka (1986 – 1989); University of Nigeria Nsukka (1990 – 1992 and 1996 - 2000) and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (1994 – 1996).
The unbroken formative profile was matched by an equally unbroken trajectory in the harvest of academic and professional qualifications: First School Leaving Certificate (1981); West African School Certificate (1986); Nigeria Certificate in Education, NCE, (1989); Bachelor of Arts (BA) Hons in Education/English, 2nd Class Upper Division (1992); Master of Education (Md) in Educational Administration and Supervision (1996) Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching English as a Second Language (1998); and a crown of PhD in English in 2000. The only break was the NYSC national obligation from 1993 – 1994.
Having been superlatively formed, Joy launched out into the world of work, first as a part-time lecturer at both Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe (2000 – 2001) and Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (1996 – 2001). Having acquitted herself fittingly and properly in a baptism of trial, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, offered her permanent appointment in 2001. As an uncompetitive labourer in high demand, Professor Eyisi has continued to serve as a Visiting Lecturer to Paul University, Awka (2002 – 2005), Adjunct/Visiting Senior Lecturer, Postgraduate Programme in Education/English at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (2001 – 2005). Her progression through the ranks in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, was meteoric, taking her only seven years to progress from Lecturer I position in 1999/2000 to professorship on October 1st, 2007. WAU! A SUPERLATIVE FEAT! Professor Eyisi was adjudged the Youngest Professor in the history of the University.
Her achievement of professional status was the product of learnt, practised and diligent commitment to academic cultivation and leadership quality. As of today, Professor Eyisi has to her unblemished and insatiable academic thirst and credit 34 articles in learned academic journals and mainline books, a whopping and bewildering 26 sole-authored and 21 co-authored books on the Nigerian and international bookstands, in addition to 31 learned paper presentations at national and international conference platforms. WAU!
Professor Eyisi’s academic leadership includes service as an external examiner at the postgraduate level for the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2008 – 2010); University of Uyo (2009 to date); National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and Oshun State University (2010 to date) and an external assessor for professorship position for a number of universities. She was an external supervisor for at the master’s degree level for Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, from 2003 to 2005 academic years in English and Education and has been supervising master’s and doctoral students in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, from 2003 and 2006 respectively to date. Joy has distinguishably been serving as a Visiting Professor at the National Open University of Nigeria, Lagos, from 2012 to date, a direct outfit of rewarding sabbatical leave there, in 2010/2011 academic year. Professor Eyisi is a member of eight professional organizations, including the National Association of Teachers of English, National Association for the Advancement of Knowledge, Modern Languages’ Association of Nigeria, International Reading Association and Association of Nigerian Authors and English Language Teacher’s Association of Nigeria. A brilliant academic formation, prolific writing output, making and disseminating knowledge, all these find a boost in these organizations and provide a platform for an eclectic intellectual of Professor Eyisi’s genre, one who finds joy in frontiering and breaking need grounds in her ecological niches of reading and writing techniques, grammar of English, phonetics and phonology of English, and English as a second language. Consumers of her work take newspapers to celebrate Joy, who gives them consummate joy passing through examinations and speaking the correct English.
A consummate intellectual bridges the gap between town and gown. From 1985, Joy has been enmeshed in community service. She served as the Chapel Prefect (1985 – 1986) First Female Judge of the Students’ Union High Court (1987 – 1989); Secretary, Association of Women in Colleges of Education (1999 – 2001); Vice-President/Secretary, Corps Members Welfare Association (1993 -1994); Chairman, Education Committee, St. Jude’s Unique School and Computer Centre, Adazi-ani (2003 to date) Chief Editor, Awka Diocesan Christian Magazine (2002 – 2008); State Trainer, Family Life and HIV/AIDS Education , Ministry of Education, Anambra State (2003 – 2008); Chairperson, Nigerian Academic Forum (2005 to date); Conference Ambassador, Diocesan Women’s Conference, Awka (2005); Secretary, Women’s General Meeting, Home and Abroad, St Jude’s Anglican Church, Adazi-ani (2003 – 2005); it’s Vice-President (2005 – 2009); Resource Person, British Council/National Teachers’ Institute (NTI) Workshop on Retraining of Teachers of English in /Nigeria (2006) and Member, Screening and Monitoring Committee of Tertiary Education Trust Fund of Nigeria (2010 to date), Independent Assessor, National Teachers’ Institute (NTI, 2010 to date); among so many of her resource outlets.
In summary, Joy has and is serving as resource person to over 45 visible organizations. It is, however, in the academic world that Joy has built the most enduring and lasting bridges in Nigeria and across the oceans. Just a few! In June, 2008, this luminant attracted a linkage between the Department of English Language and Literature of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and the British Council; in July, 2009, a linkage between her Department and the Department of English, University of Carolina, USA; in November, 2010, she established a linkage programme between the National Open University of Nigeria and Albany State University, Albany Georgia, USA. In July, 2008, the youngest professor of UNIZIK brought to bear on Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, the philanthropic fragrance of Chief Dr G. U. Okeke, KSC culminating in an architectural piece - the Department of English Language and Literature.
At UNIZIK level, Professor Joy’s contribution is a litany that we mention a few. Assistant University Orator (2002- date); Member, University Bookshop Committee (2003- date); Chairperson Publications’ Committee of School of General Studies (2003- date); Member, Examination Misconduct Committee, Faculty of Arts (2003- date); Secretary, Committee on Research and Development Fair, Chairperson, Faculty of Arts Accreditation Committee (2005) and member UNIZIK History Committee.
Professor Eyisi’s administrative flash points include Headship of the Department of English Language and Literature, UNIZIK (2006 - 2010); Coordinator, Sandwich Programme of Department of English, UNIZIK, (2001 - 2005); Coordinator, Continuing Education Programme, Department of English (2003- 2006), Coordinator, Use of English Programme, UNIZIK, Awka (2004 - date); Member, UNIZIK Editorial Board (2007- date) and Nigerian Book Foundation (2007- date), Member, Accreditation Team for Colleges of Education (2011 to date).
It is only to be expected that such a soundly formed intellectual and teacher, an avid producer and disseminator of knowledge, an academic guru and leader, an administrator and a cynosure in university and society service platforms will not go unrewarded and unnoticed. Young Professor Joy’s baggage of honours and awards is already bursting at the seams. As of today, Joy has already received 27 honours and awards and distinctions for sound academic and dedicated work life, leadership and service to humanity. We select a few. Best postgraduate student of the year in UNIZIK (1996); Best postgraduate student of the year, Department of English, UNN; Best teacher of English, Bishop Crowther Seminary (BCS), Awka (1994); Best Teacher of the Year, BCS, Awka (1994); Best Teacher in Punctuality and Devotion to Duty, BCS, Awka (1995); Inestimable Appreciation for Wonderful Motivational Strategies, G S Unit, UNIZIK, Awka (2000); Silver Jubilee Merit Award, BCS, Awka (2004); Ada Di Ebube Recognition and Merit Award, From St. Jude’s Anglican Church, Adazi-ani Women’s General Meeting (Home and Abroad) (2005); Great Woman of Honour, Recognition and Merit Award from BBC Club, UNIZIK, Awka (2005); A Menu of Integrity, Merit Award Certificate from Rotary International, Rotary Club of Awka, District 9140 (2006); A Doyenne of Excellence Distinguished Scholarship Award from English Language Teachers’ Association of Nigeria (2007); Educational Leadership Award from the Institute of Industrial Administration (2007); Leadership Merit Award from First Bank of Nigeria Plc (2008), the Most Distinguished Academic Excellence Award from the University of Nigeria Alumni Association (UNAA, 2009), the International Award for the Best Paper Presenter from the International Academy of Linguistics, Behavioural and Social Sciences, at Hilton Hotels, New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America (2010), the Best Academic on Sabbatical Leave from National Open University of Nigeria (2011),
Ladies and Gentlemen, Professor Eyisi is not only an intellectual and academic and a renowned service provider, but is also joyously married to lucky Chief Ifeanyichukwu Eyisi with three promising children; all of whom live in their “Home of Joy”. Her hobbies are expectedly discussing ideas, travelling, playing ludo and listening to soft music. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Lions and Lionesses and their friends, it is in cherished recognition and appreciation of the bewildering qualities of this “Lady English” in Nigeria, an orator, an established star in her field, the best always in the crowd, writer, dedicated well-branded servant, motivator, leader, embodiment of virtues, energizer, multiple award winner, a devotee to the church, job and society, exemplary teacher, joy- illuminating house wife and mother that the University of Nigeria Alumni Association, Awka Chapter, has thought it fit to add the 28th feather to her congested but admitting cap with the Most Distinguished and Respectable Academic Excellence Award to the glory of God and Humanity. The recipient is Professor Joy Chinwe Eyisi, a gift to UNN Alumni Association, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria, Adazi-ani community and above all to Okpalanzekwe and Eyisi families.
Prof Joy Eyisi says Aspire to the Zenith! Never go for very good where excellent is possible.